Logline: This show is a prime-time, hour-long, crime action-adventure drama about a street-smart hacker who loses his niece to an assassination attempt in 2012 and will use all his tools and his phone to take over a new operating system in Chicago to hunt the criminals responsible.
Logline: This show is a prime-time, hour-long, crime action-adventure drama about a street-smart hacker who loses his niece to an assassination attempt in 2012 and will use all his tools and his phone to take over a new operating system in Chicago to hunt the criminals responsible.
Logline: This show is a prime-time, hour-long, crime action-adventure drama about a street-smart hacker who loses his niece to an assassination attempt in 2012 and will use all his tools and his phone to take over a new operating system in Chicago to hunt the criminals responsible.
Logline: This show is a prime-time, hour-long, crime action-adventure drama about a street-smart hacker who loses his niece to an assassination attempt in 2012 and will use all his tools and his phone to take over a new operating system in Chicago to hunt the criminals responsible.